Support Our Mission: Empower Women and Families

Please help us build transitional homes for families who are in desperate need, moving them from instability to stability. If one million people give $1.00 we will be able to build at-least four transitional and permanent homes to reach our goals of sheltering homeless families who are in transition.

Your donation will transform lives, as it gives supports and hope. To make easy custom donations you can use the form below or one of the many forms which will allow you to make contributions including our cash app: at $Agapefamily7. To learn more about how your contribution will make a difference, or to receive a receipt for your gift, please feel free to contact us at 919-641-8981. Join us today in making a lasting difference and impact in the lives of our extended families members.


One-Time Donations

One-Time Donations

Donate $1


Donate $5


Donate $10


Donate $25


Donate $50


Donate $100


Donate $500


Donate $1000


Other Donation Methods

Cash App






Square (for in-person sales)
